I often hear people say Twitter isn’t what it used to be. That they only hear crickets when they post their 140 character status updates. So many people say they don’t use Twitter anymore. If you are one of those people I would say you are missing out on a key tool to help you get press.

First, let me say I think getting press will help you gain influence, authority, serious business street cred and that all-important know, like and trust factor. I am a firm believer in the power of the media to promote what you do and who you are. Getting press is much cheaper and more effective (in my opinion) than advertising (OK, I am slightly biased since I am a near 20 year veteran of the media business) when it comes to gaining credibility, authority, and likeability. We know from our own buying experiences, we are more likely to buy from someone who we know, like, and trust. I think Richard Branson would agree with my feeling on media and publicity…


“Publicity is absolutely critical. A good PR story is infinitely more effective than a front page ad.”

Richard Branson


Getting featured in the media, whether it is on television, radio, in newspapers, magazines, on a blog or a podcast, allows you to build influence, authority, serious business street credibility and that all important know, like, and trust factor (ok, I might be repeating myself but it bears repeating because it is so important). When you are mentioned in the media the audience immediately believes you are the real deal (because you really are) because the media gives you that third party endorsement. Journalists do their due diligence to check you out before they put you in front of their audience. Their audience trusts the judgment of the media and that gives you almost instant credibility! The beauty of getting publicity through television or radio media is you get to show people who you are. They get to hear you and/or see you. It is your opportunity to tell people your story, share your message, and help an audience solve a problem by educating, enlightening, and entertaining.

You see the benefits of getting press, don’t you?

Ultimately we are talking about what they call earned media. You aren’t paying to be on television but you have earned it through your hard work and your pitching! Essentially it is free publicity, outside of the cost of creating and executing your own media strategy. A key part of that strategy is Twitter!

Twitter is a great tool to help you get your media strategy started and working for you. I am going to outline FIVE ways you can use Twitter to help you get press so you can promote who you are, what you do and why you do it so you can reach more people, gain authority and credibility and ultimately get more customers and clients.


       1. Helps you build a media contact list

Use Twitter to do some research and build your lists. Twitter searches allow you to find journalists who work on the shows and publications you want press from. Start creating Twitter lists of media outlets, shows, publications, producers, editors, reporters and hosts so you can start to find the perfect media contact. I like to make my media lists private since when they are public everyone, including the person you just added to your list, gets a notification. This is a first step in creating your own list of media contacts and building a relationship with journalists. You can use the information you discover on Twitter to start building your media list with names, positions, email addresses and even phone numbers.  While most journalists still prefer to be pitched via email (according to a Cision survey 93% of journalists prefer email pitches) it is a great way to connect, research who they are and what they do. There is nothing wrong with reaching out to a new media contact on Twitter, tell them you have a story idea you would love to pitch and ask for their email address.

2. Helps you build relationships with media

Use Twitter to reach out and make a connection. We have all heard how important social is for community building, it is no different when it comes to building a community of media and PR contacts. Journalists are people, just like you and me, who want to do a good job so connect with them on that level. Getting good and continued press has a lot to do with relationships and Twitter allows you to start building those media relationships. Journalists are easily accessible on social and many use social media platforms, like Twitter, to build relationships (according to Cision, 73% of journalists use social media to build relationships). Start following, sharing, liking and commenting on content your media contacts tweet. It is a small thing but can go a long way to warming things up so you don’t have to have a cold introduction when you do finally pitch them a story.

3. Helps you stay on top of what’s happening in the world so you can better pitch

Use Twitter to stay connected to the world. This is a no-brainer for me. The easiest way to come up with stories to pitch the media is to use what is already in the news. If you follow the headlines you can easily piggy-back the news and jump on a story with your voice, different opinion or expert knowledge. Twitter allows you to see what is trending in your industry, niche, community, your own country, and the world. Now that you are informed and plugged in, use that information to craft story pitches.

4. Helps learn what the media really wants

Use Twitter to see what the media is sharing and covering. What matters to the media? Once you know what journalists care about you have a better understanding of how to pitch them and the kind of stories they really want and need from you. Successful media pitches deliver story pitches the media wants. You want to generate story pitches that are targeted, focused, on topic and serve the journalist and their audience. Remember, you want to craft stories that will entertain, enlighten, and/or educated.

5. Helps you build a solid online footprint so the media can find you

Use Twitter to share who you are and what you do. It is your opportunity to share content from your own site and blog. It seems obvious since so many of us use social media to spread the word about who we are and what you do. So what does this have to do with getting press? Well, this is one of the ways journalists will find you. More than 50% of journalists, in a recent Cision survey, say they use social media to source stories.


Creating a media strategy is all about building lists, building relationships, understanding what the media really wants and how you can deliver story pitches that are focused, targeted and on point. Twitter allows you to build your media lists, build relationships with journalists, research what they want and need and, ultimately, help you discover what you have to give that will enlighten, educate and entertain the audience.

Author: ChristyAnn