There is no doubt getting media attention can be work. You need to do your homework. You need to research to find the right producers, the right reporters, the right shows and the right media outlets. But there is more to it than that. It takes a great pitch to grab the media’s attention.
Not sure what to pitch?
Let me just run through a few things to help you decide what to pitch. It comes right down to the headline of this post. Story vs Event.
OK, so here is a little media secret. Events alone aren’t usually that media-genic. Events tend to be time-consuming, they require a lot of resources, especially when it comes to television, for very little payoff. The other issue is events are not all that interesting, especially when it doesn’t have a great story hook. An event just for the sake of making an announcement or sticking a shovel in the ground for something is not enough to get solid media attention, treatment or feature. The media needs more meat than that. What they need is a hook. What they need is a good story!
You need to tell the media why they and their audience should care.
Why I Care Story Checklist
*does it make an impact on someone’s life?
*does it inform?
*does it entertain?
*does it solve a problem?
*does it help people?
*does it move us?
*does it have a human element?
Pitching the media with a great story with emotion and the human element is a sure way to get a yes from a producer or reporter.
OK, so maybe you are thinking your industry, niche or expertise isn’t really emotional?
I would say you are wrong. You can make every issue, topic, niche impactful. Sometimes you have to think outside the box. Think about how your business, brand, blog or niche solves problems, answer questions or informs and helps people live better lives. Make sure you have a human element in your pitch.
One of the best ways I know to help generate story ideas that are media-genic is look to the media. If you look to your newsfeed on social media platforms there endless story ideas. Staying in tune with what is happening in the news you will be able to see what kind of stories the media is covering and interested in. Find stories you can add value to or you can add a different opinion on.
If you are pitching an event make sure you have a story hook included. You need to make sure there is something the media can sink their teeth into. For example, if there is an event regarding a new program or product make sure you include families who might be impacted positively by the new program. Think about how the program or product can improve the lives of the people who use them. Make sure you offer up those families or people impacted as part of the story pitch and make them available for interviews. It is all about the human element.
So make sure your STORY is featured prominently in your next pitch to the media.