Where to go to find ideas for content for your blog and social media posts and your next media pitches.

Often the best posts and pitches are the ones that are relevant and timely. Piggy-backing on stories that are already in the news or pop up on the calendar every year. If you think about marking your calendar with evergreen dates that come around every year then you have an endless supply of dates for content creation and media pitches.
One of the best ways to have a successful pitch is to make sure it is a story a journalist is actually interested in. So…. look for news that fits the station, publication, or show you pitching.
Here are a bunch of links that you can use to find stories you can pitch to get you press success!
Health & Science News
Health and Science news-you-can-use can give your next media pitch a solid hook. Looking for post ideas here can also go a long way to helping you create relevant and timely content for your community.
Special Days
Special days of the year, holidays and fun days on the calendar are great ways to create relevant and timely posts and pitches. Create a solid editorial calendar with some of these dates. Remember to have a little fun with it and think outside the box.
Headlines right to your inbox
Be sure to sign up for news email newsletters. You will get headlines and the days top news stories right into your inbox. This will help you stay on top of what is happening in the world and allow you to add some key dates to your calendar for posts and pitches.
Google Alerts
Signing up for Google Alerts will also allow you to stay plugged into the world around you. The key here is to look for news or stories that are already created that you can use as a jump-off point for your pitch. You can use these stories to feature your expert knowledge. Find stories you can speak to and offer your expert voice to!
It is important to create an editorial calendar that helps you see what important dates are coming up and craft content and media pitches that are relevant, timely and resonate with your community and a wider audience of potential customers and clients.