Do you have a media kit?
Not sure you need one?
Media kits are an essential part of your self-promotion or PR strategy. Having a media kit easily visible and accessible on your website is the best way to promote what you do and how you can be of service to the media. You need to think of it as part of your digital PR toolbox. You want to let reporters and producers know what you do, who you are and that you are interested in speaking to the media.
There is no point in being shy. If you want to GET PRESS and MAKE HEADLINES you need to put it out there. Be up front and don’t make the media work to find you and what you are all about.
Before we move on to what should be in your media kit I want to say one thing…. don’t bury the media kit in your website. Make sure there is a tab that is easily found and understood. Don’t try to be cute with the language you use. You want the media to know where to find it. Be clear, concise and direct! Say what it is….it is a MEDIA KIT! Call it a MEDIA KIT, NEWSROOM, MEDIA ROOM…so if I am the journalist looking on your website I know right away where to go to find your previous media appearances, videos and clippings and press releases and/or announcements.
Now, let’s get to the basics.
This isn’t War and Peace here. It is a short bio. Think elevator pitch but rather than 30 words think 75 or 100. It is just a bit about who you are, what you do and why you do it. It doesn’t have to be fancy but it should be true to who you are. I know it is a bit buzz-wordy to say this but be AUTHENTIC. Don’t make things up and don’t use creative license here. You want people to get a real sense of who you are. Of course, include a great photo!
This one seems like an obvious one but often it is so obvious people forget to include it. You want to make sure people know where to find you and how to reach you. Make sure you include an email address but also include where people can find you on your social media platforms, like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, Instagram etc. Don’t make them go looking for it, put your contact information front and centre. You should also think about including a phone number so media can contact you right away.
You want to let the media know what you can speak about. Again be upfront about all the areas you are an expert on or have expertise in. List as many topics you feel you could talk and write about. You also want to be upfront about the fact you are interested in speaking with the media. You will do interviews, features, guest posts etc. Don’t be shy! This is all about getting publicity and promoting your business.
You want to let people know where they have seen you before. Have you been featured in the newspapers or magazines? Which ones? Make sure you give links to where people can read those articles. Have you been on television or radio? Post the video clip or audio clip of the segment or interview. You want to show off what you have already done! This will help show off your “street cred” so to speak. This helps producers and reporters see how well you performed in the media spotlight. Show off your accomplishments!
This is a great place to show what you are like to work with. Post some of your client and customer testimonials here. It would be great to post any positive feedback you received from any of your other media appearances. Again, this all goes to show you are a leader in your field/business/industry. It raises your expert factor.
Do you have a media kit? Take 30 – 60 minutes today to create a short media kit. Then as you build you media exposure keep adding to it and beefing it up.
Don’t forget to check your media kit every few months. You want to update your kit and touch things up to make sure it is the most up to date as it can possibly be.