What does the media want?
Good question.
It is something many people wonder about and few ever really know.
It is often knowledge kept close to the chest by industry insiders. We are talking secrets of the media. I want to share some of those secrets with you. These are secrets that will help you stand out, get in front of the media and better promote your business.
Ultimately when it comes down to what the media wants it is very simple.
It is all about the STORY!
Producers and reporters really want to tell good stories. It is all about telling a story that is going to move the audience.
It is about telling a story that entertains, informs and engages the audience.
Do you have a story that is compelling?
Journalists – regardless if they work in radio, television, magazines or newspapers – want to share interesting and entertaining stories with the audience. If you have a great story, the media wants to hear it and share it with their audience.
For years, I worked as a television producer and radio news editor. I can tell you from my experience the story is KING. The process of creating a show is one that takes time, thought and planning. A daily newscast has hours of planning. From the first moments of the news-day producers are searching out stories.
Often the spark of a good story comes from social media. Tweets or status updates, a viral blog post or video.
Are you sharing great content on your social media channels?
Are you connecting and engaging online?
Remember it is always about the story for reporters, writers, and producers. The question they ask themselves every day ….”How can I tell a better story?”
Their goal is to ensure their viewers, listeners and/or readers are engaged and learning as much as possible about a story
What story are you sharing?
Everyone has a unique and interesting story to tell. Whats’ yours?
Action Step
Create one story idea right now. Maybe you can write about why you started your own business?Maybe you can create a video highlighting your business challenges? Maybe you can create a podcast about how you and your business give back or pay it forward? Now that you have created that awesome piece of content on your blog, share it! Tell people about it!
Or maybe you are following a particularly interesting story online that is perfectly inline with what you do in your business. You are passionate about the topic and you have some time to say that adds value to the story. You noticed the perfect reporter you are following is also following the story on Twitter. Tweet out to that reporter. Engage with them on the story! See where it will take you.