More Media Tips: On Air



Who wouldn’t want to become a brand ambassador or be hired by a brand for a national media tour? Or maybe your dream it to become a regular contributor or guest on your favourite television morning show?

So you have pitched your heart out and got recognized and greatly rewarded for your efforts: you are now the newest member of the morning shows panel. Now, what?

I often see people on T.V or hear them on the radio and just cringe. There is something to be said for a little bit of media training or coaching. Here are a few things to keep in mind before you open your mouth to speak.

1. K.I.S.S: Keep It Simple Stupid.

*don’t get too complicated.

*remember you need to talk to a wider audience …one that might not know anything about you, your product or service.

* if you keep it conversational then you will ensure you are telling your story in a way everyone will understand

2. Slow Down

*this is something that seems easy but can actually be very difficult to do when the camera or microphone is right in your face.

*many people have a tendency to speed up when they talk to the media…thanks in large part to nerves. RELAX and  pace yourself.

*prepare for your media spot by jotting down a few key points on some cue cards you can review before you get on set and that way you will have a guideline for the discussion in your mind. This will help you stay on message. This step will help you pace yourself and keep the nerves at a minimum because you KNOW what you want to say.

3: Think Before You Speak:

*those cue cards will help you here too! Think about what you are going to say, often times people ramble when they are in the spot light. If you just take a second or two to think before you answer a question you are more likely to say what you want to say.

*Be prepared.

4: Be Yourself:

*this is the best way to come across as a genuine expert.

5: Relax:

*don’t get too stressed out ( O.K. easier said than done sometimes)

*enjoy the spot light.

*you are in the chair because the person interviewing you ( or the show)  feels you have something valuable to say so go with it!

Remember people want to be informed as well as entertained.

So what works for you? leave a comment and tell us what you do to rock the mic or camera!

Author: ChristyAnn

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