I love a good chat. And there is nothing better than a super engaged Twitter chat.
I know what some of you might be thinking, “Twitter? Who uses Twitter any more.” Or maybe you are thinking, “I hate Twitter. It’s so noisy.” Well, I am here to say that lots of people are still on Twitter and with the right strategy and technique you can quiet the noise and get a lot out of Twitter.
One way to quiet the noise is to take part in Twitter chats! I know it sounds counter-intuitive but I like to think of Twitter chats as hyper-focused. So rather than listening to everyone talk, during a Twitter chat you are only listening to the other people in the chat using a specific Twitter chat hashtag. Super focused, right?!
Tips to get you started with Twitter Chats!
- Using third-party platforms like Hootsuite or TweetDeck. Those are the two that I like but if they are not your favourites have a look at the list in this article!
- https://www.brandwatch.com/blog/communities-we-rate-the-top-10-free-twitter-chat-tools/
- Using a good chat tool can silence all the other noise on Twitter and help you stay super focused on the discussion going on in the chat
- I like to make a column in Hootsuite with my most favourite Twitter Chats! That way I can stay up to date on all the chatter, even when it is not the official chat time.
- Follow the hashtag!
- You can participate by posting a Tweet with the hashtag
Need a few more tips on how to join a Twitter chat? Check out the tips in this article…https://blogs.constantcontact.com/how-to-join-the-conversation/
So why Twitter chats and how can that help me with Media and PR?
I think Twitter chats help you with Media and PR is so many ways.
- Getting involved in key Twitter chats, especially ones related to your niche or industry, can really help with your visibility and brand awareness. Remember, publicity is about getting out there and letting the world know who you are, what you do and how you service people and participating in a Twitter chat is a simple way to step up and get out in the world of social media
- Getting involved in Twitter chats helps you make connections. It is all part of networking. The more people you know and that know you the more your brand gets noticed.
- Getting involved in Twitter chats allows you to do some serious social listening. You can learn about what others are doing and sharing.
- Getting involved in Twitter chats allows you to learn, ask questions, seek feedback, support, mentoring and community
- Getting involved in Twitter chats allows you to promote who you are and what you do with a bigger audience.
- Getting involved in Twitter chats allows you and your company to become searchable, via the Twitter chat hashtag. Journalists can find you easier!
- Getting involved in Twitter chats, especially PR ones, helps you gain valuable information that will help you better pitch journalists for media coverage.
- Getting involved in Twitter chats, especially PR ones, might even get you noticed for an upcoming pitch or press coverage.
Here are some of my recent favourite Twitter chats!
(by hashtag)
Business Twitter Chats
Public Relations (these might help you with story ideas, issues, and pitch best practices)
So get out there and start chatting! It won’t take you long before you are jumping into the discussion and getting real value and insight from the next great Twitter chat! And be sure to let me know about any of your favourite Twitter chats. Post them on my Facebook page or swing by my Facebook Group and share!