You should blog! I bet you have heard that before, many times over. Blogging for business is essential today. It is how you tell the world about what you do and how your business can help clients and customers. Blogging is one of the easiest ways to reach out to your community and share your thoughts, ideas, concerns and offer solutions to your customers or clients problems.

So, what if you are not a good writer? Or, at least, think you’re not a good writer?

First, I want to say if you are writing about what you know, your business, it shouldn’t be too hard to express your ideas and thoughts. Write what you know! Write in your own voice! Write like you are talking to that one perfect client that you know so well!

Second, writing isn’t without effort. What I mean by that is the act of writing takes time and effort. Even the best writers work at it. Writing well takes practice. Good blog writing can do so much to help you share your thoughts with a large number of people on an effective and accessible platform.

So with that in mind, I want to share a short round-up of articles and posts to help you become a better writer. Getting good at anything takes time and effort…. writing included.

I use Grammarly to help me with grammar and spelling but the site also has a great blog. One recent post, 3 Fun Ways To Improve Your Writing, offers up some tips to help you practice the craft of writing in a fun way.

Writing with emotion is one sure way to connect with your readers. I know what some of you might be thinking, you can’t include emotion or feelings into business blog writing. I don’t agree. You can!!! You want to connect with people (customers/clients) in a real and authentic way and emotion is the way to do that. This post on WritetoDone offers some great tips to help you write better with emotion.

Writing from the heart is hard. You feel like you are putting too much out there. You are writing from a vulnerable spot and that is good. Well, Jon Morrow thinks so ( I agree with Jon). Morrow talks about how it is important to Be Unforgettable  and he has a point. You want to reach people and to spark some kind of action in them, especially if you hope your blog readers turn into customers or clients one day (or are journalists who want to feature you on/in their show/program/publication).

Blogging is important. Writing a better blog takes time and practice. Always strive to improve how you communicate with the world. I know I do. I am always working on my writing craft. I know the areas that I am weak in – grammar and typos – so I work hard at improving those areas. It’s not about being perfect. Everything can be improved upon and the best thing with a blog is you can always go back and change, edit and update.

Share what you do with the world in a real and authentic way and you will get noticed… by customers/clients and maybe even a few journalists along the way (because you know I think the best way to promote your business, brand or blog is to leverage the power of the media)


Author: ChristyAnn

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