If the answer to that question was NO! or Heck No! or Are you crazy? Why would I bother with the news it is always bad, sad or tragic news????

This is the post for you.

I know news can be difficult to digest sometimes. I have worked in the news business for more nearly two decades. I know sometimes it can be depressing but to that I would say it is what our world has become. I would also say it is not a reason to shut yourself off from the world of news. It isn’t always bad news. Consuming or digesting news is a way to stay connected with your community and the larger world around us.

If you are looking to promote yourself, your services, your product or your brand I believe watching or digesting news of all kinds is ESSENTIAL.

Here is why……………………..

You need to know what is happening in the world around you. I am not saying you have to immerse yourself in the news but what I am saying is it is important to be informed. You need to stay connected with your city, your community, your country and your world, especially if you are living some part of your life online. There are no boundaries or borders online, it is a global community.

For example, maybe you are an expert in a particular area, like nutrition or sleep or breastfeeding, you speak often to groups about these topics, but you are looking to expand your business and reach. You watch the news in the morning or read the newspaper and you see a story from a community or city outside of your own about something directly connected to your niche/expertise and you believe you have something to say about the topic that hasn’t been mentioned? This is a great opportunity to reach more people. You contact the newsroom via phone or email or twitter saying you have a unique, expert opinion on the topic and next thing you know you are being interviewed by a reporter for the 6 o’clock news. Now you are reaching a whole new audience and all because you paid attention to the news.

That is just one example of how being connected and staying plugged into the news can help you and your brand. It is important to know what is happening in the world. When you are educated and informed you can use that knowledge to help promote your business and take your message, expertise, brand, product or services to the world to help educate, inform or entertain.

It is important to stay informed. It will bring you opportunities if you just stay plugged in. Staying informed will help you pitch producers and reporters. The news of the day is the backbone of your pitches. It will help you generate story ideas, discussion topics and give you the direction you need to be a thought leader, expert and go-to speaker in your industry or niche.

What do you do to stay connected and informed?

Author: ChristyAnn

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