April Pitch & Post Ideas

It can be hard to come up with ideas for pitches and social media posts. Remember, you don’t have to reinvent the wheel. Think about using dates, events and milestones that are already being marked and celebrated. Here are a few ideas or angles to get you going for April.

Stats from Twitter


April Fools –  Think about ways you could use the prank to share awareness about your business or brand in the media, maybe a morning breakfast TV segment?

Go Green – April is traditionally the month that many media outlets focus on eco-friendly brands and stories. April also has Earth Hour and Earth Day. Think about sharing top tips for reducing plastic use, or top tips to help the planet for morning show television. You could highlight the top healthy, sustainable cleaning or beauty products. Maybe look at top ways parents can prepare litter-less lunches for the family for a parenting site or magazine.

Wear Pajamas to Work Day – Monday, April 16 could easily be everyone’s favourite day of the year. Heck, who doesn’t like to hang out in their PJ’s all day (Hand way up in the air!!!!)

Easter – Do you focus on food and nutrition? Think about meal prep, recipes and family friendly meal ideas. Or maybe you are someone who focuses on budgets and coupons? Think about sharing ideas of shopping on a budget or areas you can save a few dollars. Or think about crafts for kids to Easter. There is an endless list of ideas for media segments and social media posts!

Days of the Month

01 – April Fools Day

02 – International Children’s Book Day

07 – World Health Day

10 – #NationalSiblingDay

11 – #NationalPetDay

16 – Wear Pajama’s To Work Day

19 – Good Friday

22 – Easter Monday

22 – Earth Day

28 -Orthodox Easter

***remember, some of these dates change from year to year so be sure to check your calendar before you pitch or post***

This is a basic list of a few select dates but there are so many more that could be added to the calendar. Start looking for dates and events that relate directly to your business, brand, and industry and start writing blog posts, social media posts and media pitches!

Author: ChristyAnn