What Matters Is Story

I will be the first to say that I write a lot about what the media really cares about and what they really want. You know what they don’t really care about?

You know what they don’t really care about?

The media doesn’t really care about how old or young your company is. They don’t really care that much about how old you are…to be honest.

If your company is a start-up a journalist will not necessarily use that as a reason not to use you for their broadcast or publication. And on the flip side, if your company is decades old a journalist will not necessarily use that as a reason to use you for their broadcast or publication. Ultimately it always comes down to what you are pitching. As I say often it is all about the STORY!

Here is what is important to journalists…

1. Did you pitch a story? (story over event)
2. Did you pitch a story that is relevant to them (their readers/viewers/audience)
3. Did you pitch a story that is factual, credible and interesting? (remember, the journalist is the judge here)
4. Did you pitch a story that will enlighten, educate, and/or entertain the audience (readers/listeners/viewers)


Here is a downloadable pitch checklist to help you get more focused when it comes to pitching the media.



If you like this you can find more downloadable and editable products in my Pitch Package. If you use the offer code likeaboss you can grab it for $20 CND.


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Author: ChristyAnn